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English translation: In a stone wall two windows are imprisoned, Exhausted and lonesome one of them is me and the other is you, The wall is made of black stone; hard & cold, The stone barrier between us has put the stamp of silence on our exhausted lips, We can not survive under the burden of this wall, All the love between you and me has become a tale of the wall, There has always been a distance between your hands and mine, Always with this bitterness our days and nights have passed, There isn’t a long distance between us but even this seems far, The only connection between us is the kind caressing hands of the wind, We are forced to stay captive we will stay captive as long as we live, For us the only way to freedom is death, As soon as we’re free we’ll die, I wish this wall would fall down so that you and me will die together, And in another world we will be able to hold hands and be together, Maybe in that other world the pain of hatred won’t exist in hearts, Maybe in that new world between their windows won’t be any walls.
-Ardalan Sarafraz